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Grupo Vida Brasil is a non-profit civil entity. Its mission is “to encourage the defense of rights and exercise of citizenship of the elderly by valuing ageing and quality of life”. Founded in 1997, with headquarters in Barueri, SP, Grupo Vida Brasil provides free, high-quality services to people who are over 60 years old.


Grupo Vida Brasil has worked with the objective of demystifying, with the community, prejudices related to ageing, besides enabling advances regarding the elderly’s perception of their own rights and duties, key elements to the exercise of citizenship.


The projects carried out focus on physical and mental health; social work; recreational, cultural and sporting leisure; and socio-educational actions.


• Grupo Vida Brasil is among the 100 best NGOs in Brazil, an award from Instituto Doar and Época magazine.

• Considered a São Paulo Volunteer Center’s Partner Organization, because of its organized and transformative volunteering role.


• Certificated as “Social Work Benevolent Entity” (CEBAS) by the Social Work National Council. 


• The program “Guiding Cycle to Relatives and Guardians of the Codependent Elderly”, in Portuguese "Ciclo de Orientação a Familiares e Cuidadores de Idosos Dependentes", was certified as Social Technology by UNESCO and Banco do Brasil Foundation, in acknowledgement of its replicable methods, developed in interactions with the community and that represent effective solutions for social transformation.


• Grupo Vida Brasil received the Certificado do Bem in 2008, 2010 and 2011, in acknowledgement of its contributions for Movimento Barueri, Sou do Bem, promoted by Fundo Social de Solidariedade de Barueri (“Solidarity Social of Barueri”) in 2007, 2009 and 2010.

• The social organization is honored at the I Prêmio Atitude Alphaville, by Vero magazine, in 2014.

• In 2016, the project “Vincular” receives the “Family Values Award”, an initiative from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Equilíbrio e Viver Bem - "Community Center Senior"


Set out in 2006, this program aims at contributing to a healthy and self-sufficient process of ageing, strengthening family bonds and communitarian coexistence. We provide over 200 elderly people with assistance from the social and psychological work, lectures, conversation roundups, excursions, literacy classes, handicraft, digital inclusion and physical therapy, in order to develop balance and prevent them from falling.

Viver Bem

It is focused on bring in active aging process, preserving identity and authonomy, since 2019, the “Viver Bem” program offers na free assistance to poeople who are older 60 years old. They usually practice music therapy, dance, geropilates, cognitive stimulation, digital inclusion, events and tours. The program is developed through the Elderly Municipal Fund.

The Viver Bem resources are came into through deducting Income Tax to the Elderly Municipal Fund.

Vincular - "Home Care"

Set out in 2012, this program assists 130 elderly people in their homes, with a team of caregivers and monitoring by a multi-professional team, made up of a social worker, a psychologist, a physical therapist, an occupational therapist, a nurse and a gerontologist, helping with the everyday care, social outings, short walks, shopping, etc., preserving the self-esteem of the elderly, strengthening family and communitarian

bonds, and avoiding the search for nursing homes.


The program is a pioneer in offering the elderly social assistance at home since they are, in their majority, codependent for their everyday life activities.

Residência - "RETIREMENT HOME"

Since 2003, Grupo Vida Brasil manages the Municipal Nursing Home of Barueri, where 54 socially vulnerable elderly people are directly assisted. The program offers global and multi-professional assistance, providing the residents more self-sufficiency and independence in performing everyday activities. We offer the following services: A Doctor; Nursing; a Psychologist; Nutrition; Occupational, Speech, Musical and Physical Therapy; Social Work; and also Literacy classes; excursions and social activities.


“Guiding Cycle to Relatives and Guardians of the Codependent Elderly”

Ciclo de Orientação a Familiares e Cuidadores de Idosos Dependentes

A cycle of lectures and orientations promoted by Grupo Vida Brasil since 2004, aiming to prepare the elderly’s relatives and caregivers to carefully assist and care for them, improving the quality of life of the elderly, of their caregiver and of their family as a whole. The meetings have benefited over 600 participants, and are managed by experts of several fields related to ageing with codependence towards the everyday life activities, such as Social Assistance, Occupational and Physical Therapy, Nutrition, Nursing, Geriatrics, Speech Therapy and Psychology.

Bem-Vindo ao Futuro - "Welcome to the Future"

Lectures to orientate, explain and inform about the process of ageing and the importance of self-care. Among the topics discussed, we have: “Debunking Myths on Ageing”; “Ageing and the Quality of Life”; “How Does an Assisted House Works”.


Donate food, hygiene and cleaning products, office supplies, clothes and several items, either new or in good condition. The donations are allocated to the assisted elderly, used internally or sold for symbolic prices at “Brechó da Vovó”, a thrift store. To make a donation, get in touch with us through the telephone +55 (11) 4198-3833 or through the e-mail


The donations can be made straight to the entity’s bank account, preferably via identified bank deposit. Your data will not be disclosed.


Grupo Vida - Brasil
CNPJ: 02.983.163/0001-67
Banco do Brasil
Ag: 1529-6
C/c: 13147-4 

If you want the receipt of the donation, send an e-mail to

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Grupo Vida - Brasil

CNPJ: 02.983.163/0001-67     

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Unidade I - CAPI

Av. Itaqui, 325, Jd. Belval, Barueri, SP

CEP 06420-210.

11 4198-3833

11 4198-3047

2ª a 6ª

8h às 17h.

Unidade II - Residência

Rua Albino Nunes, 147, Centro,

Barueri, SP, CEP 06401-139.

Unidade III - Vincular

Av. 26 de Março, 1409, Centro,

 Barueri, SP, CEP 06401-050.


Av. Copacabana, 536, sala 3, Empresarial 18

do Forte, Barueri, SP, CEP 06472-001.

11 4199-1319

2ª a 6ª - 8h às 16h30

Sábados, domingos e feriados

10h às 16h.


11 4199-0454

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